Whether you’re looking to score some cash by selling old gear that’s still got a lot of life in it or buy used quality gear at a great price, the Asheville Gear Swap is the place to be. Diamond Brand Outdoors has teamed up with Liberty Bicycles again to host the swap in their joint parking lot + offer discounts at both stores. Liquidlogic Kayaks, Native Watercraft, +Hurricane Kayaks will also be on-site with factory seconds + closeouts.
To register to sell your gear, just visit Diamond Brand Outdoors or Liberty Bicycles + pay the $15 fee. Space is limited. You will receive a parking space where you can sell your gear – you can set up a tent, bring a table, lay out a blanket, or sell it out of your vehicle!
RSVP on Facebook for a Reminder
Well-behaved kids and dogs with owner on leash are welcome.